I'm usually down in the winter but I have more issues to deal with this winter. Yesterday was my Ex's birthday and I felt badly because I knew he was alone. It was his own doing, but I still felt badly. Isn't that a typical woman? It has now been nearly three months since I told him I was leaving. I'm starting to dream about him, but not as he is. I'm dreaming about him as I wish he was.
I'm feeling guilty and tired and lonely and hopeless. As long as I get my child support and alimony I'm doing okay...but I can't count on it. I feel that I can't get ahead. I did some research on other jobs that I could get in this area with minimal schooling. I can't really find a job making much more money.
I'm overwhelmingly tired...sleepy too. I could nap now. I'm also feeling the depression monkey climbing on my back. I'm not sure how to deal with that. I've been eating poorly lately. I wonder if cutting sugar out of my diet would help?